Scenario:My dog try to run for mayor.
Create my version of this story
My dog try to run for mayor.
Max Barkley
expressive eyes, lean build, gray suit, white shirt, black shoes
Sarah Jennings
sharp features, brown shoulder-length hair, slender, navy blazer, white blouse, black slacks, black flats
Tom Richards
friendly face, short brown hair, clean-shaven, blue button-up shirt, black trousers, brown dress shoes
Chapter 1
I’m Max Barkley, and I’m running for mayor.
That’s right.
A dog is running for mayor.
But not just any dog.
Max Barkley.
The best dog you’ll ever meet.
I’m small, scruffy, and have the most expressive eyes you’ve ever seen.
I can make anyone do anything I want with a single look.
At the time, I was curled up in a ball underneath a tree, soaking up the sun and enjoying a peaceful afternoon nap when I overheard Tom talking to our neighbor, Mrs. Kendall.
They were discussing the upcoming mayoral election here in town, and Tom was explaining how no one had registered to run against the current mayor, Mr. Huxley.
Since Mr. Huxley was busy setting up for the big event this evening, Tom was in charge of everything else.
He chuckled as he grabbed a stack of chairs from the back of his truck and said to Mrs. Kendall, "Well, maybe I’ll just register Max here as an official candidate."
Mrs. Kendall laughed at this and shook her head.
"A dog? Running for mayor? Well that would be something!"
Tom laughed along with her at this comment and said sarcastically, "Yeah, because that’s exactly what our town needs…a dog running things."
With that, he turned around and started walking toward me with a smile on his face.
As he got closer, he crouched down so we were face-to-face and asked me seriously, "Hey boy…you want to be mayor?"
I could tell by the look in his eyes that he was serious about this question.
And after giving it some thought myself, I realized that it was actually a great idea!
What better way to show everyone how awesome dogs are than by electing one as their new mayor?
As Tom waited for my response, I let out a small bark and gave him a big sloppy kiss on the nose.
Then, without any warning at all, I started wagging my tail like crazy and running in circles around him with excitement!
Tom laughed as he watched me jump around and said to me, "That’s what I thought."
Then he looked back over at Mrs. Kendall who was still watching us from her front porch and said confidently, "It’s settled then. Max is running for mayor!"
After hearing this comment from Tom, Mrs. Kendall shook her head again and laughed out loud while saying to him, "Well you’ve gone and done it now! Good luck with that!"
Tom just smiled back at her and nodded his head before picking me up off the ground and starting to walk across Main Street toward City Hall.
As we passed by all the houses along the way, people poked their heads out of their doors to see what was going on.
Some were laughing to themselves as they saw me being carried down the street like a baby while others seemed genuinely interested in the idea of electing a dog as their new mayor.
As we got closer to City Hall, Tom could see Mr. Huxley standing outside by the entrance talking to some other people who were setting up tables for tonight’s event.
He was an older man with a large potbelly that hung over his belt and wore a pair of thick glasses that covered half his face.
As soon as Mr. Huxley saw me, he raised an eyebrow and said, "What’s this? You’re bringing your dog to the event tonight?"
Tom just laughed at this question and continued walking past him into City Hall.
From there, we made our way down a long hallway until we reached the back room where the mayor’s office was located.
Once inside, Tom set me down on the ground and said, "Alright Max, time to make your appearance."
With that, I gave him another big sloppy kiss on the nose before running into the main room and jumping onto Mr. Huxley’s desk in front of everyone.
After sitting there for a moment while everyone stared at me in shock, I let out a loud bark before running over to all the tables along the wall and knocking them over one by one.